Director's Welcome

Kanwaljit Singh

Welcome to International Polytechnic for Women. The International Polytechnic is one of the foremost centre’s for art and design education in India. We are proud of a tradition of vocational education, that dates from the foundation of the parent society, Educational Society of Professionals & Vocational, in 1979. Education is an inward journey that manifests itself in the world outside. To unfold this mystery of life, our children are made to grow in intelligence and sensitivity through meaningful experience in classroom and outside. International Polytechnic offers a range of diplomas and certificates, which leads to our comprehensive portfolio. The creative industries play a vital role today, in the economic and cultural life of country.
“We believe that we provide our students with the knowledge, skills and confidence that are relevant to contemporary creative practice”
We nurture your talent so that you can achieve your aspirations.

From the Principal's Desk

Richa Srivastava

At IPW, education is looked upon as holistic learning experience to develop qualities of head, hand and heart . We firmly believe that today’s youth is capable of bringing great changes, helping the nation progress in every field. It is with this hope and faith that we seek to instil in our students quality of leadership ,management and the passion to follow their dreams.

As we witness drastically changing times that have upended years of practice, we continue to move forward with commitment towards more focused and well-research methodologies and training sessions to ensure that we stay abreast with the latest developments and requirements of the fast changing economical and sociological aspects of the industry.

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